LIGHT TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS JOINT STOCK MPANY (LIGHTJSC) is responsible on the principles of fairness, honesty and transparency. Mutual trust is the core that provides the basis for common cooperation, helping each other develop within the company and with business partners. To most accurately meet development needs, our Board of Directors and leadership team require a high level of responsibility in behavior and integrity for our staff, customers, and suppliers. our suppliers, service providers and other partners.
The Company’s current code of conduct is based on core values and includes universal principles in the Global Compact set forth by the United Nations (UN). This Code is both a framework and a guideline for responsible actions and solid development within the company.
Through this set of rules, we want to express our views on the definitions of “Corporate Social Responsibility” (CSR) according to the policy that the interests of the corporate community must be accompanied by the interests of the business community. of society and towards long-term and sustainable development.
Comply with the law
We are committed to complying with the laws and regulations of the country in which we do business and implementing the social standards of that country.
Human rights
We commit to comply with human rights laws within our sphere of influence and absolutely say NO to any form of forced labor within our Company and the companies of our business partners.
Child labor
Mutual respect, diversifying labor
Labor development
We always systematically develop the Company’s workforce to shape the future of the organization. And so, we are interested in developing professional, technical abilities as well as social interaction skills for the Company’s staff.
Relationship with employees
Relationship between superiors and subordinates
Working hours and compensation
The company complies with regulations related to working time. We uphold the right of our officers and employees to receive full labor remuneration and commit to complying with national legal regulations.
Labor health and safety
We always uphold the importance of health and safety for our staff and employees by providing a healthy, safe, and humane working environment. Personal standards of safety and health in the workplace are always given close attention. Improving application methods to improve the working environment is always done by continuously evaluating, checking and recording changes that have the potential to affect the health and safety of wokers.
Drugs, alcohol
We expect our employees to complete tasks and make decisions when mentally alert and not under the influence of beer, alcohol or drugs. This principle aims to benefit the health of officers and employees in particular and the productivity of the entire Company in general.
Service discipline
- Solidarity: The collective of officials and employees must maintain affection for each other, create harmony, maintain a compassionate atmosphere and support each other as much as possible at work.
- Quality: Employees always uphold politeness and must not commit acts that damage the Company’s honor.
- Reporting obligation: In case of mistakes at work, no matter how big or small, how heavy or light, it is necessary to immediately report to the superior where the department is responsible for monitoring and receiving instructions. show about that.
Conflict of interest, anti-corruption
We act in the interests of Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company and always distinguish clearly between the interests of the Company and the interests of individuals. We strive to avoid even the smallest conflicts of interest. We make decisions based on sound business aspects, in accordance with the law and general societal standards.
In business relationships, we always strictly comply with regulations on anti-corruption, bribery, commercial fraud, money laundering… We commit not to accept gifts and donations or participate in illegal activities. causing conflicts of interest of the parties. We absolutely do not accept, offer or assist in acts of bribery through illegal payments and gifts to individuals that do not bring value to the group and have the potential to harm the company. legitimate interests of the Company.
Competition and behavior in the market
We are committed to fair, non-binding competition with competitors, business partners and others in the market. We are committed to complying with the laws on prohibited practices and considered unfair competition applicable in the country where our Company operates.
Protect assets and internal company information
LightJSC Company’s employees are always responsible for protecting all types of tangible and intangible assets of the Company within the scope of their work. Tangible assets include land, buildings, products, inventory and equipment. Intangible assets include business know-how, technology, copyrights, trademarks as well as other information that is important and valuable to the company. Each member of the labor collective at the Company must be responsible for taking care of and preserving these assets and only using them for the benefit of the Company and the collective.
Handling confidential information
Employees of Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company must be responsible for keeping all related issues about the company confidential to prevent information from leaking to the outside. This provision also applies to feedback the Company receives from third parties. Confidential information may not be used arbitrarily for the purposes of any individual or other third party. The Company’s Board of Directors must be informed of changes that are notable or of concern during critical times.
Inside information and insider trading
It is strictly forbidden for individuals to obtain internal information and use this information as a basis for making decisions to buy, sell or transfer relevant stocks. The Company’s internal legal guidelines clearly state instructions on handling internal information management responsibilities.
Information technology
LIGHTJSC attaches great importance to using information technology (IT) systems accurately and humanely, along with appropriate legal and information security factors. . All employees are called upon to regularly monitor the information technology security arrangements in place to protect Company data.
Financial transparency
To maintain and preserve the trust that shareholders, employees and the community place in us, Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company’s reports must always be accurate and must comply with current laws. Data and records are kept according to official and legal regulations, terms, and finances as well as in accordance with internationally recognized accounting standards.
Environmental responsibility
Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company always carefully considers its business activities towards the environment in all product delivery and receipt processes between the Company and customers or between suppliers. with the company. We have been aiming to develop businesses associated with environmental protection by promoting the use of environmentally friendly technologies and systematic, continuous improvement in efficiency with the environment.
Compliance with applicable laws and regulations is the minimum requirement. We always strive to cooperate closely with our business partners on our shared ecosystem protection responsibilities and we always promote initiatives to raise environmental awareness among our staff and employees.
We expect each employee of the Company to be aware of their responsibility to comply with this code of conduct. Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company is committed to providing full support and advice to all employees regarding the implementation of this code of conduct. We urge employees to contact their line managers or leadership when they have questions, encounter conflicts or alleged violations.
The Company will ensure the rights of individuals who point out violations as stated in the Company’s code of conduct.
This Code of Conduct represents the core views of Light Technology Solutions Joint Stock Company.
However, this Code cannot be used as a basis for requiring or accounting for the Company to introduce a particular behavior or approach, nor can it be used as a demonstration of the Company’s policies contract claim against the Company.